Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A mom Vent

The crazy obsesive thoughtful girl. That is what I feel like sometimes. I decided this was the blog I would be honest in. Its not always great and even though I know its great it feels like YUCK sometimes  right. I have 4 kids I adore and a husband that loves me and I love him.   
 Life just seems so full right now and with that fullness comes hours of driving kids and so many meals that need to be cooked. Lunches and lunches that are made that believe me I am grateful to make but I do get tired. 
I try and fit in the things that make me happy but I am feeling that I just really don't !! I have been thinking that because I give myself an hour or running everyday that somehow that is enough. I think I have been wrong. Making list in different color inks is just not doing the job. I need to make time to seriously create. I would love to just go away for a 4 day workshop and get immersed in art and come back new and full of energy but that's not happening so it is up to me to figure this out. It is always harder to figure it out when your in it. How do I squeeze another hour out of my day. 

I am not sure but I am vowing to figure it out because my insides need ART.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

A week in the life ..Thursday

6:30 am Lunches are made and today I decided ti that a half bagel would be all we had time for this morning. 

The bagels where gone before we walked out the door. Then we have about a 40 minute drive both ways. I didn't get a picture of the kids because they where grumpy :( 

I make some kind of treat for the kids 3 days a week . I love the smell of sweet baked goods and I think is sweet to have cup cakes waiting for them. Jack is a big helper today.

so today was my clean the house day.
3 loads of laundry washed and folded and put away
dishes done
3 bathrooms cleaned (toilets ,sink , floors)
floors swept
entire house vacuumed
I know I am hyper so what works for me is a timed house cleaning race. I time myself ....ready set go !!!! 

This is a successful closet done .

Jack is very patient waiting for me to finish. He was good because I told him as soon as I finished we could go to Broken Yolk ...He loves the Broken Yolk 

-----------------------Happy kids Happy mom---------------------------

Look my husband is home. Ahhhhh life just got easier and after so many days of him not being gone, I feel like throwing a party because he is home.

Every one is now excited to see Mike
Mike is excited to open all his mail
Christopher is sleeping after school because the kid is growing so Dinner includes a family favorite. Meatloaf ,salad and baked bread.

Maybe not the best picture but it was what I took at dinner time. That's it for Thursday ..I know this is late but as I make my album I thought I would get this down.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

A week in the life day 3. April 20,2017

I got up super early and made the kids waffles and bacon for breakfast. I try and do this every Wednesday because they have late start. Having kids of all ages I know I am going to miss this when they go to college. The thing is I love getting my kid fix and they love eating so it works out. I made lunches my son gets a double lunch because he is starving all the time. 
something that is not my thing but I am working on is being early to school. My kids used to always be late but for the last two years I have made it a point to be early. Today even though I was early getting life ready when I looked at the clock I said ..Oh poop we are gonna be late !!!!! I really try not to stress them out when we are running late. I make it a point to be calm and just hurry them. I have found a method that works for us.

It was raining here in San Diego and you know about people driving in the rain here. We got lucky and made it school on time and I did not speed. I never ever speed. I am that mom.

My feelings on running. I run almost everyday. I run because it has become what I do. I am at a place where I don't have to ask my body to run. My body and mind ask me. It is a yearning I have grown to love and listen too. I have been running for a long time so it takes me longer to find my sweet spot . This just means I need a minimum of 2 hours. I find however I can. I split it up of like today I just ran 12 miles. When I walked outside to see it had been raining it reminded me I have a race next Saturday. A really hard race called Lost Boys. I love the challenge and having a goal that pushes me to work hard at something that is for me. 

I do what I can with the time I have between dropping of Jack and picking him up. Planks will kick your butt you just have to hold it. I do wish I could do more but I will take what I get and be grateful for it.
I feel like telling the girl in the picture. You have come a long way G . Just keep working as hard as you have and don't stop. I am preparing my water and taking my supplements or vitamins. 

I love taking Jack to the park the problem is getting there. Do other moms feel this way? Once we are there its great but I always put chores before park time. Today we made it to the park and he wanted me to push him in the swim forever and ever. 

Then in was Lets run time. I love how he mimics me after I am done running. I love this picture. 

Paola has been picking up my teenagers because she has been getting out of work around the same time and her work is so close to there school. The kids think its cool there sister picks them up and less driving for me. Oh yeah and Paola or Miss P always has something I made to eat when she gets here. I don't mind. We have much better relationship now that she is older and values me more.

Then let the Taxi cab mom driving begin. Bella started guitar lessons today. We drove to her new class and met her new teacher and Jack was with us. He fell asleep on the way to the store to I just drove him home and pit him in bed. He is a much happier 3 year old when he naps. His big brother was home and he literally sits outside Jacks door when he watches him. He is so protective.

Then while Bella was in class I went to two grocery store to get some food and I got Bella and me earrings. I got Lapis and she got Jade. Bella is an artist. She is super smart but her spirit is one of an artist and I try and support that. The jade earnings made her feel special.

Dinner was chicken and noodles but because my husband is not home we just eat at the island for some reason. When he comes home we eat at the table. Bella is a great mommy number 2. She played with Jack while I cleaned up and turned off the lights etc. 

I am almost 45 so my night routine is real. Wash and a mark every other day. Then some neck cream and some eye cream and some face cream. I am so grateful in the morning when I take care of myself. I spend so much time outside running that I need all the help I can get. Christopher and Isabella finish there homework and my 10pm Jack and I are sleeping.

I feel so much gratitude for our house. I love that we have safe place to call home. That each child has there own room and they can decorate it however they want. I love that this is our safe place. 

If you get this far and read my blog and your also doing a week in life would you mind leaving me your blog in the comments I would love to read it. Thanks G

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Week in the life day 2

Me at 6:30 am getting Jack's and my smoothie ready. ( Jacks tummy does better when he has lots of veggies ) Bella came down at 6:50 grabbed an everything muffin I made. The way at least I know she is getting something healthy in her. Then we race to school and by 7:30 there in school and I am on my way home. I really enjoy picking them up more. I don't believe we are morning people.

San Diego weather is sunny and 73 today. The reason I took a picture of the nice weather was because in 2 weeks I will be running a 50 mile race really close to San Diego and it is always horrible weather for this race. I was thinking about that this morning. How quickly the weather can change.

Jack and I went to Home Depot to look at carpet and set up an apt to have them come to the house. I am so excited about getting new floors. Who ever thought I would be excited about floors !!Then I had a veggie taco and and back in the car we go. Jack took a nap.

The drive to where I have been wanting to go is about 45 minutes and if Jack falls sleep he will either wake up happy or very grumpy :(. Since he is only 3 I just go with it. When we arrived he was still asleep so I let him sleep for 15 more minutes to get a whole hour in and then I woke him up. He was super grumpy.I wanted to drive to this store that has the coolest walls. ARTLEXIA 

Jack cried the entire time we where in there. I kinda got a picture of the Frida wall. ( a am in love with her ) Maybe because she is Mexican like me or because she was an artist or maybe because she endured or because I admire how she didn't give a shit. Either way no picture for Gloria today.

This is the wall outside. I will have to go back and get a picture with me in it !! It is so fabulous. Even though Jack was not happy I am glad we drove down there. My oldest picked up the kids at school so I had time to get home. 

My older kids when to go see there dad for Easter so the Easter bunny left there baskets here. All my kids love getting baskets. We sat on the floor upstairs and I just listened to them laugh. 

Paola got make up stuff and chocolate. Isabella got drawing pencils and cute socks. Chris got a new journal and some cool pens and a bunch of candy. 

This kid. He hates having his picture taken and the only time he lets me is 2 times  a year. This one and the month of December for my December daily. Christopher is the child that always makes us laugh. He is so much like me. He had braces for 2 years and then when we took them off he grew 5 inches in one year !! His teeth went back :( so we are waiting until he is done growing before we put them back on. He is also a great big brother and he taught me to be way more patient when he was little. So from 6 to 9 the oldest go to there room to do there homework. I clean up and picked up dinner Panda Express. ( no photo) when my husband is home I make dinner every night and when he is gone we eat out. The kids love this idea and so do I.

This was our evening. Then at 9:30 I was bed and sleeping by 9:45.
 What I am grateful for Today is  my kids. I can't imagine life with out them. I love taking care of them and the thought of them leaving to college kills me but it will happen.  I know all this time I have with them is a gift and I try and take it all in. I often catch myself needing to bring myself back to center. My life mantra is G does it really, really matters ..Ok go with that. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A week in the Life day 1

Monday morning at 7am. I get the day started by having some fruit and veggies. I make one for Jack too because it really helps his tummy. ( then I fallow him around fora bit making sure he drinks it ) Then we get ready for Pre-school.
Then we get in the car and we are ready to go. This little keeps me busy..and since my other kids are not here one seems child seems so easy.
After I drop him off I get home and run on the treadmill for about 7 or 8 miles depending what I have time for. The one thing about running at home that rocks is I can run with out my top on !!! I am way to conservative to run like this outside. The paintings on the wall are by Danita or Kelly Rea or me. 
So yes this is my goal of the day !! Everyday because when your training to run a 100 mile race you need big mile weeks.
by 12:30 I am back at Jacks school to pick him up. I love picking him up. He runs up to me and hugs me. 
On our way to pick up Jacks new Scooter he fell asleep so I waited in the car and let him sleep for an hour. My Oldest works really close so she met us for lunch at Islands. (I love this picture of her ) She is 22 and my youngest is 3. 
4:30 pm
We talked and Jack talked too. I had veggie tacos and Paola and Jack had chicken fingers. ( Kinda funny) Yes spending time with my kids is so important to me. I feel that time spent with them are memories that last forever . 
We come home and put together his scooter.
Scooter time until 7:30
Then Jack and I go pick up my crazy teenagers. There dad sent me this picture from the airport. There so funny !!
We made it back home safe and sound. I am so tired can you tell .. That's my Monday day 1. I love this week. Thank you Ali Edwards.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

December daily

Penut Butter and Jelly muffins

Its raining today and the new year is here. The beginning of the new year is great but I find this is the time of the year that is the hardest for me. I am not sure if it's the weather or that Christmas is over and that feels sad to me but I find myself really struggling this month. I tell myself it is just a feeling and it will pass and it does. I find that baking and trying new recipes makes me happy so I do it. Today I made these really easy and fun PB and Jelly muffins. There easy to make and a big hit in my house.
Prep time is about 15 minutes
Cook time is about 20 minutes
Here is what you need -------
2 Cups of flour
11/2 teaspoon of salt
1 table spoon baking powder
1 cup of milk
2 large eggs
2/3 cup of sugar
1 cup of peanut butter
1/3 cups of vegetable oil ( I skip this but the recipe calls for it )
1/2 cup of jelly 
You heat the oven to 375 and then mix everything except the jelly. That is for later. Then fill the your muffin tin half way and put some jelly in there and then put another spoon of mix of top of the jelly and bake. I bake them for 20 but start checking them at 16 minutes or so. Then when there ready put some power sugar on top and your set.
Hope you enjoy them and anything peanut butter and jelly makes me happy.